Movie search results







Olivia Hussey, John Standing, Tom Bell, Gerry O'Hara, Judy Carne

All the Right Noises is a movie starring Olivia Hussey, Tom Bell, and Judy Carne. A married theatre lighting technician with two small children has an affair with a teenage actress.

English (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)

Christopher Lee, Joss Ackland, Gerry O'Hara, Patrick Macnee, Bill Corcoran, Jenny Seagrove, Bob Shayne

Sherlock Holmes: Incident at Victoria Falls is a TV movie starring Christopher Lee, Patrick Macnee, and Jenny Seagrove. King Edward ask Sherlock Holmes to perform one more task before his retirement: to safeguard the Star of Africa...

English (4 years ago)

Bill Nighy, Gaston Leroux, Dwight H. Little, Robert Englund, Jill Schoelen, Alex Hyde-White, Gerry O'Hara, Duke Sandefur

The Phantom of the Opera is a movie starring Robert Englund, Jill Schoelen, and Alex Hyde-White. A young soprano becomes the obsession of a horribly disfigured composer, who has plans for those who oppose him or the young singer.

English (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)
Arabic (4 years ago)