Movie search results

Sandro Continenza, Cristina Galbó, Ray Lovelock, Arthur Kennedy, Aldo Massasso, Jorge Grau, Juan Cobos, Marcello Coscia, Miguel Rubio

No profanar el sueño de los muertos is a movie starring Cristina Galbó, Ray Lovelock, and Arthur Kennedy. A cop chases two hippies suspected of a series of Manson family-like murders; unbeknownst to him, the real culprits are the...

English (3 years ago)
English (3 years ago)
Indonesian (4 years ago)

Jesús Franco, Howard Vernon, Juan Cobos, Ana Castor, Paula Martel, Georges Rollin, Rene Sebille, Michel Luckin, Pío Ballesteros, Gonzalo Sebastián de Erice

La mano de un hombre muerto is a movie starring Ana Castor, Howard Vernon, and Paula Martel. When violent crime strikes a tiny hamlet, the townsfolk suspect the distant relative of a sadistic 17th century baron who cursed the...

Turkish (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)






Romano Migliorini, Massimo Dallamano, Juan Cobos, Enrico Maria Salerno, Terry Jenkins, María Martín, Venantino Venantini, Luis Laso, Gianbattista Mussetto

Bandidos is a movie starring Enrico Maria Salerno, Terry Jenkins, and María Martín. Renowned gunman Richard Martin is traveling on a train, held up by Billy Kane, a former student of Martin's. Kane spares Martin, but only after...

English (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)
Arabic (4 years ago)