Movie search results







Kristy Yeung, Andrew Lau, Gigi Leung, Corey Yuen, Stephen Fung, Leehom Wang, Sap Sam Chan

Kuen sun is a movie starring Leehom Wang, Stephen Fung, and Gigi Leung. A futuristic research compound develops a new police tool called the Power Glove. Supposedly, it gives the wearer incredible powers by letting him tap into the...

English (4 years ago)
French (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)

Ekin Cheng, Nicholas Tse, Wing-Shing Ma, Kristy Yeung, Andrew Lau, Manfred Wong, Qi Shu

Jung wa ying hong is a movie starring Ekin Cheng, Qi Shu, and Kristy Yeung. Hero Wah goes to study under Master Pride. When he returns to his parents, he learns that they have been murdered by a band of evil Westerners. After...

Vietnamese (4 years ago)
Vietnamese (4 years ago)
Malay (4 years ago)

Eric Tsang, Kristy Yeung, Maggie Cheung, Ivy Ho, Leon Lai, Peter Ho-Sun Chan

Tian mi mi is a movie starring Maggie Cheung, Leon Lai, and Eric Tsang. Two Chinese-mainlanders living in Hong Kong form a close friendship. Over the years this grows into love, but there are obstacles.

Bengali (3 years ago)
Korean (3 years ago)
Vietnamese (4 years ago)






Aaron Kwok, Ekin Cheng, Wing-Shing Ma, Shin'ichi Chiba, Kristy Yeung, Andrew Lau, Manfred Wong

Fung wan: Hung ba tin ha is a movie starring Aaron Kwok, Ekin Cheng, and Shin'ichi Chiba. An evil warlord takes in 2 students (Wind & Cloud) in an effort to become invincible so he can take over the world.

Vietnamese (4 years ago)
Vietnamese (4 years ago)
Vietnamese (4 years ago)