Big Tits Dragon Zombie English Subtitles
Kyonyû doragon: Onsen zonbi vs sutorippâ 5 is a movie starring Sora Aoi, Risa Kasumi, and Mari Sakurai. A medieval Book of the Dead is discovered in the catacombs that run under a small town strip club. When one of the desperate...
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; Script generated by Aegisub r7117
; http://www.aegisub.org/
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Subtitles infomation
Framerate | 25.000 |
Language | English |
Created By | kinosei |
Author Note | Retimed, edited, fixed a few wrong lines, filled in a few missing lines etc. |
Created | 12/10/2012 05:20:00 AM |
Updated | 5 years ago |
Raw Subtitles
[Script Info]<br>; Script generated by Aegisub r7117<br>; http://www.aegisub.org/<br>Title: Default Aegisub file<br>ScriptType: v4.00+<br>WrapStyle: 0<br>ScaledBorderAndShadow: yes<br>Collisions: Normal<br>PlayResX: 1280<br>PlayResY: 720<br><br>[V4+ Styles]<br>