
Dracula Subtitles

Fantasy   Horror

Bram Stoker   John L. Balderston   Hamilton Deane   Garrett Fort   Dudley Murphy   Carlos Villarías   Lupita Tovar   Barry Norton   Pablo Álvarez Rubio   George Melford   Enrique Tovar Ávalos   Baltasar Fernández Cué

Drácula is a movie starring Carlos Villarías, Lupita Tovar, and Barry Norton. Centuries-old vampire Dracula preys upon the innocent Eva and her friends.
LanguageRelease nameRelease noteLast UpdatedQuick download
  1. Dracula 1931 [Spanish] 1080p Bluray DTS x264-GCJM
  2. Dracula 1931 SPANISH VERSION 720p BluRay x264-CiNEFiLE
Mejor que los mejores. (Better than the best). Finally, and for the first time anywhere, Spanish-language subtitles based on a thorough, painstaking, and accurate transcription of the film's actual dialogue. These subtitles are calibrated to work for any file with a duration of 1:43:16.5 years ago
  1. 63.2KB
  1. Dracula 1931 [Spanish] 1080p Bluray DTS x264-GCJM
  2. Dracula 1931 SPANISH VERSION 720p BluRay x264-CiNEFiLE
Better than the best. At long last, a thorough, painstaking, and accurate translation using the film's actual Spanish-language dialogue as its basis. Other subtitles primarily consist of dialogue lifted from its English-language counterpart, even though it most often fails to convey the true sense of what is being said onscreen. These subtitles are calibrated to work for any file with a duration of 1:43:16.5 years ago
  1. 63.4KB
    Banpiroen filmetan, klasiko bat, Tod Browning-ek soinuzko zinemaren hastapenetan filmatua Bela Lugosi handiarekin. Antzerki egokitzapen batean oinarritua (egileak: Hamilton Deane, John L. Balderston) eta hori, era berean, Bram Stoker-en eleberrian.5 years ago
    1. 88.8KB
    1. Dracula.1931.SPANISH.VERSION.720p.BluRay.x264-CiNEFiLE [PublicHD]
    النسخــــة الأسبانيـــة *.هام: الترجمة حصرية تماما بسوبسين ويُمنع نشرها في القنوات ومواقع عرض وتحميل الأفلام. هام: الترجمة حصرية تماما بسوبسين ويُمنع نشرها في القنوات ومواقع عرض وتحميل الأفلام. هام: الترجمة حصرية تماما بسوبسين ويُمنع نشرها في القنوات ومواقع عرض وتحميل الأفلام5 years ago
    1. 62KB