Flower Crew: Joseon Marriage Agency (Kkotpadang: Joseonhondamgongjakso / 꽃파당: 조선혼담공작소) English Subtitles

Kkotpadang: Joseonhondamgongjakso is a TV series starring Min-Jae Kim, Seung-Yeon Gong, and Seo Ji-Hoon. A king makes a request to Joseon's best dating agency "Flower Crew" to protect his first love. Upon his request, the...
Download (50.7KB) Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E09.191014-NEXT-VIU.srt

Subtitles preview

00:00:09,100 --> 00:00:11,299
(All characters, places, and incidents in this drama...)

00:00:11,299 --> 00:00:14,015
(are fictional and unrelated to historical events.)

00:00:15,405 --> 00:00:16,811
Let me take care of...

00:00:17,475 --> 00:00:19,081
this marriage.

00:00:27,616 --> 00:00:29,120

00:00:30,355 --> 00:00:32,130
did you change your mind?

Subtitles infomation

Created ByRuoXi
Author NoteEp. 9 [VIU Ver.] "A Secret Love". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:05:40. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : E09 720p NEXT 1.38GB & 1080p NEXT 2.44GB Gdrive Sharer download link > http://idsly.bid/flowercrew09 & http://idsly.bid/flowercrew09fhd
Created10/14/2019 07:25:00 PM
Updated5 years ago

Raw Subtitles

1<br>00:00:09,100 --> 00:00:11,299<br>(All characters, places, and incidents in this drama...)<br><br>2<br>00:00:11,299 --> 00:00:14,015<br>(are fictional and unrelated to historical events.)<br><br>3<br>00:00:15,405 --> 00:00:16,811<br>Let me take care of...<br><br>4<br>00:00:17,475 --> 00:00:19,081<br>this marriage.<br><br>5<br>00:00:27,616 --> 00:00:29,120<br>Why...<br><br>6<br>00:00:30,355 --> 00:00:32,130<br>did you change your mind?<br>

More Flower Crew: Joseon Marriage Agency (Kkotpadang: Joseonhondamgongjakso / 꽃파당: 조선혼담공작소) English Subtitles

LanguageRelease nameRelease noteLast UpdatedQuick download
  1. Flower Crew - Joseon Marriage Agency 2019 Episode 01.English
5 years ago
  1. 57.3KB
  1. Flower Crew - Joseon Marriage Agency 2019 Episode 02.English
5 years ago
  1. 53.9KB
  1. Flower Crew - Joseon Marriage Agency 2019 Episode 03-10 English
5 years ago
  1. 59.5KB
  2. 56.9KB
  3. 49.7KB
  4. 54.1KB
  5. 54.5KB
  6. 50.9KB
  7. 49.7KB
  8. 52.3KB
  1. Flower Crew - Joseon Marriage Agency 2019 Episode 11-16 English
5 years ago
  1. 46.8KB
  2. 56.2KB
  3. 51.4KB
  4. 47.7KB
  5. 43.6KB
  6. 43.2KB
  1. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E08.191008-NEXT-VIU
5 years ago
  1. 50KB
  1. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E13.191028-NEXT-VIU
Ep 12 VIU5 years ago
  1. 52.1KB
  1. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E13.191028-NEXT-VIU
Ep 1 3 VIU5 years ago
  1. 52.1KB
  1. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E14.191029-NEXT-VIU
Viu version5 years ago
  1. 49.3KB
  1. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency-E01.190916.720p-NEXT-VIU
  2. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency-E02.190917.720p-NEXT-VIU
  3. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency-E03.190923.720p-NEXT-VIU
  4. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency-E04.190924.720p-NEXT-VIU
  5. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency-E05.190930.720p-NEXT-VIU
  6. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency-E06.191001.720p-NEXT-VIU
  7. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency-E07.191007.720p-NEXT-VIU
[VIU Ver.] Ep 1-7 | Fixed common errors.5 years ago
  1. 64.3KB
  2. 59.4KB
  3. 63.8KB
  4. 58.8KB
  5. 49.6KB
  6. 51.3KB
  7. 55.8KB
  1. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency-E08.191008.720p-NEXT-VIU
  2. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency-E09.191014.720p-NEXT-VIU
  3. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency-E10.191015.720p-NEXT-VIU
  4. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency-E11.191021.720p-NEXT-VIU
  5. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency-E12.191022.720p-NEXT-VIU
  6. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency-E13.191028.720p-NEXT-VIU
  7. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency-E14.191029.720p-NEXT-VIU
[VIU Ver.] Ep 8-14 | Fixed common errors.5 years ago
  1. 50KB
  2. 50.7KB
  3. 52KB
  4. 47.1KB
  5. 57.6KB
  6. 52KB
  7. 49.2KB
  1. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency-E15.191104.720p-NEXT-VIU
  2. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency-E16.191105.END.720p-NEXT-VIU
[VIU Ver.] Ep 15-16 END | Fixed common errors.5 years ago
  1. 45KB
  2. 45.5KB
  1. 꽃파당: 조선혼담공작소ㅡFlower Crew: Joseon Marriage AgencyㅡE01.NEXT.VIU
5 years ago
  1. 64.8KB
  1. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E01.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.H.264_Korea4dl.com
  2. 꽃파당: 조선혼담공작소ㅡFlower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E01.WEB-DL.AAC.H.264
  3. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E01.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.H.264_Korea4dl
  4. 꽃파당: 조선혼담공작소ㅡFlower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E01.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.H.264
i just uplod u can down in korea4dl.com Release WEB-DL sub5 years ago
  1. 64.2KB
  1. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E02.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.H.264_Korea4dl.com
  2. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E02.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.H.264_Korea4dl
  3. 꽃파당: 조선혼담공작소ㅡFlower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E02.WEB-DL.AAC.H.264_Korea4dl
  4. 꽃파당: 조선혼담공작소ㅡFlower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E02.WEB-DL.AAC.H.264
  5. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E02.WEB-DL.AAC.H.264
i just uplod u can down in korea4dl.com Release WEB-DL sub5 years ago
  1. 59.3KB
  1. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E03.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.H.264_Korea4dl.com
  2. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E03.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.H.264_Korea4dl
  3. 꽃파당: 조선혼담공작소ㅡFlower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E03.WEB-DL.AAC.H.264_Korea4dl
  4. 꽃파당: 조선혼담공작소ㅡFlower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E03.WEB-DL.AAC.H.264
  5. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E03.WEB-DL.AAC.H.264
i just uplod u can down in korea4dl.com Release WEB-DL sub5 years ago
  1. 63.5KB
  1. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E04.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.H.264_Korea4dl.com
  2. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E04.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.H.264_Korea4dl
  3. 꽃파당: 조선혼담공작소ㅡFlower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E04.WEB-DL.AAC.H.264_Korea4dl
  4. 꽃파당: 조선혼담공작소ㅡFlower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E04.WEB-DL.AAC.H.264
  5. Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E04.WEB-DL.AAC.H.264
i just uplod u can down in korea4dl.com Release WEB-DL sub5 years ago
  1. 58.5KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E01.190916.1080p.H264.AAC.WEB-DL-VIU
Ep. 1 [VIU Ver.] "A Divine Match". Synced for WEBDL. Runtime > 01:09:03. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^5 years ago
  1. 64.4KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E01.190916-NEXT-VIU
Ep. 1 [VIU Ver.] "A Divine Match". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:09:17/18. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : E01 720p NEXT 1.46GB & 1080p NEXT 2.59GB Gdrive Sharer download link > http://idsly.bid/flowercrew01 & http://idsly.bid/flowercrew01fhd5 years ago
  1. 64.4KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E02.190917.1080p.H264.AAC.WEB-DL-VIU
Ep. 2 [VIU Ver.] "Shyness". Synced for WEBDL. Runtime > 01:09:07/08. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^5 years ago
  1. 59.5KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E02.190917-NEXT-VIU
Ep. 2 [VIU Ver.] "Shyness". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:09:21. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : E02 720p NEXT 1.46GB & 1080p NEXT 2.58GB Gdrive Sharer download link > http://idsly.bid/flowercrew02 & http://idsly.bid/flowercrew02fhd5 years ago
  1. 59.5KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E03.190923.1080p.H264.AAC.WEB-DL-VIU
Ep. 3 [VIU Ver.] "Longing". Synced for WEBDL. Runtime > 01:05:24. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^5 years ago
  1. 63.7KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E03.190923-NEXT-VIU
Ep. 3 [VIU Ver.] "Longing". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:05:38. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : E03 720p NEXT 1.37GB & 1080p NEXT 2.44GB Gdrive Sharer download link > http://idsly.bid/flowercrew03 & http://idsly.bid/flowercrew03fhd5 years ago
  1. 63.7KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E04.190924.1080p.H264.AAC.WEB-DL-VIU
Ep. 4 [VIU Ver.] "Shyness". Synced for WEBDL. Runtime > 01:06:05. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^5 years ago
  1. 58.8KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E04.190924-NEXT-VIU
Ep. 4 [VIU Ver.] "Shyness". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:06:18/19. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : Note : E04 720p NEXT 1.4GB & 1080p NEXT 2.49GB Gdrive Sharer download link > http://idsly.bid/flowercrew04 & http://idsly.bid/flowercrew04fhd5 years ago
  1. 58.8KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E05.190930.HDTV.H264.720p-Unknown-VIU
Ep. 5 [VIU Ver.] "A Secret Love". Synced for video with runtime > 01:05:10. Enjoy.... ;) . Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^5 years ago
  1. 49.7KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E05.190930-NEXT-VIU
Ep. 5 [VIU Ver.] "A Secret Love". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:05:11. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : E05 720p NEXT 1.37GB & 1080p NEXT 2.43GB Gdrive Sharer download link > http://idsly.bid/flowercrew05 & http://idsly.bid/flowercrew05fhd5 years ago
  1. 49.7KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E06.191001.HDTV.H264.720p-Unknown-VIU
Ep. 6 [VIU Ver.] "A Fluttering Heart". Synced for video with runtime > 01:04:07. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^5 years ago
  1. 54.6KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E06.191001-NEXT-VIU
Ep. 6 [VIU Ver.] "A Fluttering Heart". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:04:08/09. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : E06 720p NEXT 1.34GB & 1080p NEXT 2.38GB Gdrive Sharer download link > http://idsly.bid/flowercrew06 & http://idsly.bid/flowercrew06fhd5 years ago
  1. 54.6KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E07.191007.HDTV.H264.720p-Unknown-VIU
Ep. 7 [VIU Ver.] "A Second Chance". Synced for video with runtime > 01:04:00/01. Enjoy.... ;) . Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^5 years ago
  1. 55.7KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E07.191007-NEXT-VIU
Ep. 7 [VIU Ver.] "A Second Chance". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:04:01. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : E07 720p NEXT 1.36GB & 1080p NEXT 2.41GB Gdrive Sharer download link > http://idsly.bid/flowercrew07 & http://idsly.bid/flowercrew07fhd5 years ago
  1. 55.7KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E05.190930.1080p.H264.AAC.WEB-DL-VIU
  2. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E06.191001.1080p.H264.AAC.WEB-DL-VIU
  3. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E07.191007.1080p.H264.AAC.WEB-DL-VIU
  4. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E08.191008.1080p.H264.AAC.WEB-DL-VIU
Ep. 5 - 8 [VIU Ver.] "A Secret Love" & "A Fluttering Heart", "A Second Chance" & "Hopeless Love". Synced for WEBDL. Runtime > 01:04:57/58, 01:03:54/55,01:03:47/48 & 01:03:50. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^5 years ago
  1. 49.7KB
  2. 54.6KB
  3. 55.8KB
  4. 50KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E08.191008-NEXT-VIU
Ep. 8 [VIU Ver.] "Hopeless Love". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:04:06. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : E08 720p NEXT 1.36GB & 1080p NEXT 2.41GB Gdrive Sharer download link > http://idsly.bid/flowercrew08 & http://idsly.bid/flowercrew08fhd5 years ago
  1. 50KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E09.191014.1080p.H264.AAC.WEB-DL-VIU
  2. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E10.191015.1080p.H264.AAC.WEB-DL-VIU
Ep. 9 & 10 [VIU Ver.] "A Secret Love" & "A Miserable Love". Synced for WEBDL. Runtime > 01:04:38 & 01:07:41. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^5 years ago
  1. 50.7KB
  2. 52.1KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E10.191015.HDTV.H264.720p-Unknown-VIU
Ep. 10 [VIU Ver.] "A Miserable Love". Synced for video with runtime > 01:07:53/54. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^5 years ago
  1. 52.1KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E10.191015-NEXT-VIU
Ep. 10 [VIU Ver.] "A Miserable Love". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:07:54. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : E10 720p NEXT 1.44GB & 1080p NEXT 2.55GB Gdrive Sharer download link > http://idsly.bid/flowercrew10 & http://idsly.bid/flowercrew10fhd5 years ago
  1. 52.1KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E11.191021.HDTV.H264.720p-Unknown-VIU
Ep. 11 [VIU Ver.] "Lies". Synced for video with runtime > 01:04:55. Enjoy.... ;) . Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^5 years ago
  1. 47.1KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E11.191021-NEXT-VIU
Ep. 11 [VIU Ver.] "Lies". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:04:56/57. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : E11 720p NEXT 1.37GB & 1080p NEXT 2.44GB Gdrive Sharer download link > http://idsly.bid/flowercrew11 & http://idsly.bid/flowercrew11fhd5 years ago
  1. 47.1KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E11.191021.1080p.H264.AAC.WEB-DL-VIU
  2. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E12.191022.1080p.H264.AAC.WEB-DL-VIU
Ep. 11 & 12 [VIU Ver.] "Lies" & "I'm Worried About Your Love". Synced for WEBDL. Runtime > 01:04:43 & 01:07:09. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^5 years ago
  1. 47.1KB
  2. 57.6KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E12.191022-NEXT-VIU
Ep. 12 [VIU Ver.] "I'm Worried About Your Love". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:07:21. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : E12 720p NEXT 1.43GB & 1080p NEXT 2.53GB Gdrive Sharer download link > http://idsly.bid/flowercrew12 & http://idsly.bid/flowercrew12fhd5 years ago
  1. 57.6KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E13.191028.HDTV.H264.720p-Unknown-VIU
Ep. 13 [VIU Ver.] "Hope". Synced for video with runtime > 01:04:24. Enjoy.... ;) . Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^5 years ago
  1. 52.1KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E13.191028-NEXT-VIU
Ep. 13 [VIU Ver.] "Hope". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:04:25. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : E13 720p NEXT 1.36GB & 1080p NEXT 2.42GB Gdrive Sharer download link > http://idsly.bid/flowercrew13 & http://idsly.bid/flowercrew13fhd5 years ago
  1. 52.1KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E13.191028.1080p.H264.AAC.WEB-DL-VIU
  2. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E14.191029.1080p.H264.AAC.WEB-DL-VIU
Ep. 13 & 14 [VIU Ver.] "Hope" & "The Return". Synced for WEBDL. Runtime > 01:04:12 & 01:07:34. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^5 years ago
  1. 52.1KB
  2. 49.3KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E14.191029.HDTV.H264.720p-Unknown-VIU
Ep. 14 [VIU Ver.] "The Return". Synced for video with runtime > 01:08:03. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^5 years ago
  1. 49.3KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E14.191029-NEXT-VIU
Ep. 14 [VIU Ver.] "The Return". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:08:05. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : E14 720p NEXT 1.44GB & 1080p NEXT 2.55GB Gdrive Sharer download link > http://idsly.bid/flowercrew14 & http://idsly.bid/flowercrew14fhd5 years ago
  1. 49.3KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E15.191104.HDTV.H264.720p-Unknown-VIU
Ep. 15 [VIU Ver.] "Don't Touch Me". Synced for video with runtime > 01:03:16. Enjoy.... ;) . Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^ (Note : Both Next and fake ver have almost the same runtime, use this if your source are from public torrent)5 years ago
  1. 45.1KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E15.191104-NEXT-VIU
Ep. 15 [VIU Ver.] "Don't Touch Me". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:03:16/17. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : E15 720p NEXT 1.364GB & 1080p NEXT 2.37GB Gdrive Sharer download link > http://idsly.bid/flowercrew15 & http://idsly.bid/flowercrew15fhd5 years ago
  1. 45.1KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E15.191104.1080p.H264.AAC.WEB-DL-VIU
  2. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E16.END.191105.1080p.H264.AAC.WEB-DL-VIU
Ep. 15 & 16 [VIU Ver.] "Don't Touch Me" & "Blossom for Eternity and Never Wither". Synced for WEBDL. Runtime > 01:02:45 & 01:07:33. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^5 years ago
  1. 45.1KB
  2. 45.5KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E16.END.191105.HDTV.H264.720p-Unknown-VIU
Ep. 16 [VIU Ver.] "Blossom for Eternity and Never Wither". Synced for video with runtime > 01:07:43. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^ (Note : Both Next and fake ver have almost the same runtime, use this if your source are from public torrent)5 years ago
  1. 45.5KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E16.END.191105-NEXT-VIU
Ep. 16 [VIU Ver.] "Blossom for Eternity and Never Wither". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:07:43. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : E16 720p NEXT 1.43GB & 1080p NEXT 2.54GB Gdrive Sharer download link > http://idsly.bid/flowercrew16 & http://idsly.bid/flowercrew16fhd5 years ago
  1. 45.5KB
  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소~Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E01-E16.END.1080p.H264.AAC.WEB-DL-VIU
Ep. 1 - 16 END [VIU Ver.]. Synced for WEBDL. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^5 years ago
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  1. 꽃파당:조선혼담공작소~Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E01-E16.END-NEXT-VIU
Ep. 1 - 16 END [VIU Ver.]. Synced for NEXT. Enjoy.... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^5 years ago
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  1. 花党.Flower.Crew.Joseon.Marriage.Agency.E01-16.END.720p-NEXT-VIU
[VIU Ver.] Ep 1-16 END | Fixed common errors.5 years ago
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