My Dinner with Andre English Subtitles

My Dinner with Andre is a movie starring Andre Gregory, Wallace Shawn, and Jean Lenauer. Two old friends meet for dinner; as one tells anecdotes detailing his experiences, the other notices their differing worldviews.
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{1792}{1869}The life of a playwright is tough.
{1887}{1959}It's not easy,|as some people seem to think.
{1977}{2067}You work hard writing plays,|and nobody puts them on.
{2088}{2161}You take up other lines of work|to try to make a living...
{2178}{2226}I became an actor...
{2237}{2292}...and people don't hire you.
{2307}{2407}So you just spend your days|doing the errands of your trade.
{2457}{2514}Today I'd had to be up|by 10.:00 in the morning...

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Created Bysyronegra
Author NoteI had a hard time finding it, so hope that you would enjoy it.
Created01/07/2011 09:00:00 PM
Updated5 years ago

Raw Subtitles

{1792}{1869}The life of a playwright is tough.<br>{1887}{1959}It's not easy,|as some people seem to think.<br>{1977}{2067}You work hard writing plays,|and nobody puts them on.<br>{2088}{2161}You take up other lines of work|to try to make a living...<br>{2178}{2226}I became an actor...<br>{2237}{2292}...and people don't hire you.<br>{2307}{2407}So you just spend your days|doing the errands of your trade.<br>{2457}{2514}Today I'd had to be up|by 10.:00 in the morning...<br>