Oban Star-Racers Arabic Subtitles

Oban Star-Racers is a TV series starring Junko Noda, Chiara Zanni, and Michael Dobson. Earth, 2082, twenty-five years after the failed invasion of the Crog forces. Young Eva (15) is determined to be reunited with her father, race...
Download (24.8KB) [3bbasFadhil] Oban Star Racer - 02.[1194509.oban.star.racers.arabic].ass

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[Script Info]
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[Aegisub Project Garbage]
Audio File: [3bbasFadhil] Oban Star Racer - 02 [480p].avi
Video File: [3bbasFadhil] Oban Star Racer - 02 [480p].avi
Video AR Mode: 4
Video AR Value: 1.333333
Video Zoom Percent: 0.875000

Subtitles infomation

Created By3bbas.Fadhil
Author Noteترجمة عباس فاضل https://3bbasfadhil.blogspot.com
Created09/27/2019 08:18:00 AM
Updated5 years ago

Raw Subtitles

[Script Info]<br>; Script generated by Aegisub 3.2.2<br>; http://www.aegisub.org/<br>Title: Default Aegisub file<br>ScriptType: v4.00+<br>WrapStyle: 0<br>ScaledBorderAndShadow: yes<br>YCbCr Matrix: TV.601<br>PlayResX: 640<br>PlayResY: 480<br><br>[Aegisub Project Garbage]<br>Audio File: [3bbasFadhil] Oban Star Racer - 02 [480p].avi<br>Video File: [3bbasFadhil] Oban Star Racer - 02 [480p].avi<br>Video AR Mode: 4<br>Video AR Value: 1.333333<br>Video Zoom Percent: 0.875000<br>

More Oban Star-Racers Arabic Subtitles

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ترجمة: عباس فاضل هذه الترجمة للنسخة اليابانة وليس النسخة الأنكليزية من المسلسل توجهوا لزيارة المدونة لتحميل الخام المتوفر https://3bbasfadhil.blogspot.com/2019/09/oban-star-ep1.html5 years ago
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ترجمة: عباس فاضل || توجهوا للمدونة لتحميل الخام المتوفر https://3bbasfadhil.blogspot.com/5 years ago
  1. 22.8KB
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ترجمة: عباس فاضل || توجهوا للمدونة لتحميل الخام المتوفر https://3bbasfadhil.blogspot.com/5 years ago
  1. 25.8KB
  2. 24.7KB
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  2. [3bbasFadhil] Oban Star Racers - 03
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