Movie search results
Tom Holland, Mark L. Lester, Perry King, John C.W. Saxton, Roddy McDowall, Barry Schneider, Timothy Van Patten, Merrie Lynn Ross
Class of 1984 is a movie starring Perry King, Merrie Lynn Ross, and Timothy Van Patten. A new teacher at a troubled inner-city high school soon ends up clashing with the delinquent leader of a punk posse that runs the school.
Tom Holland, Mark L. Lester, Perry King, John C.W. Saxton, Roddy McDowall, Barry Schneider, Timothy Van Patten, Merrie Lynn Ross
Class of 1984 is a movie starring Perry King, Merrie Lynn Ross, and Timothy Van Patten. A new teacher at a troubled inner-city high school soon ends up clashing with the delinquent leader of a punk posse that runs the school.
Stuart Whitman, Piper Laurie, Curtis Harrington, Roger Davis, Janit Baldwin, George Edwards, Steve Krantz, Barry Schneider
Ruby is a movie starring Piper Laurie, Stuart Whitman, and Roger Davis. Sixteen years after Ruby Claire's gangster boyfriend was shot and killed by four associates, a series of gruesome murders takes place at the drive-in movie...