Movie search results







Christiane Paul, Robert Glenister, Indira Varma, Bill Gallagher, Dino Fetscher

Paranoid is a TV mini-series starring Indira Varma, Robert Glenister, and Dino Fetscher. The murder of a female GP in a rural playground in front of numerous witnesses draws a group of detectives into an ever-darkening mystery that...

Turkish (5 years ago)
Swedish (5 years ago)
Norwegian (5 years ago)

Christopher Eccleston, Olivia Cooke, Dervla Kirwan, Lyndsey Marshal, Bill Gallagher

Blackout is a TV mini-series starring Christopher Eccleston, Olivia Cooke, and Dervla Kirwan. A council man becomes increasingly disillusioned over the years, but a heroic act gets him approval and becomes a front-runner for the...