Movie search results
Brandon McInnis, Josh Bangle, Mike Haimoto, Steven Kelly
Actors: Songs Connection is a TV series starring Brandon McInnis, Josh Bangle, and Mike Haimoto. The story follows the everyday lives of students and teachers at the Private Amaka Academy, a school established by the the large...
Amanda Lee, Bryn Apprill, Brandon McInnis, Arisa Date
Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria is a TV series starring Bryn Apprill, Arisa Date, and Amanda Lee. Suou Yuuto was transported into another world called Yggdrasil. after one year he became the wolf clan leader. now he must...
Jad Saxton, Brandon McInnis, Madeleine Morris, Alex Moore
Dies Irae is a TV series starring Brandon McInnis, Jad Saxton, and Madeleine Morris. A teenager gets involved with a group of sorcerers from World War 2 who unleashed a force beyond their understanding.