Movie search results

Buzz Aldrin, Duncan Copp, John F. Kennedy, Walter Cronkite, Neil Armstrong

Apollo: The Forgotten Films is a TV movie starring Walter Cronkite, John F. Kennedy, and Neil Armstrong. It will tell the complete story of this most audacious of missions, with footage not seen anywhere else. The archives reveal...

Dutch (4 years ago)
Spanish (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)

Duncan Copp, David Sington, Gene Galusha

Magnetic Storm is an episode of Nova starring Gene Galusha. In this PBS "Nova" documentary, scientists discuss the bewildering causes and effects of the Earth's magnetic field, including the fact that the field appears to have...

English (5 years ago)
Arabic (5 years ago)

Buzz Aldrin, Carol Armstrong, Dean Armstrong, Janet Armstrong, Duncan Copp, Christopher Riley

First Man on the Moon is an episode of Nova starring Buzz Aldrin, Carol Armstrong, and Dean Armstrong. A look inside the life of Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon.

Arabic (5 years ago)