Movie search results







H.G. Wells, Basil Dearden, Angus MacPhail, Michael Redgrave, Charles Crichton, T.E.B. Clarke, Roland Culver, Mervyn Johns, Mary Merrall, Robert Hamer, Alberto Cavalcanti, John Baines, E.F. Benson

Dead of Night is a movie starring Mervyn Johns, Michael Redgrave, and Roland Culver. Architect Walter Craig (Mervyn Johns) senses impending doom as his half-remembered recurring dream turns into reality. The guests at the country...

Vietnamese (4 years ago)
Korean (4 years ago)
German (4 years ago)

Gordon Jackson, Mervyn Johns, Mary Merrall, Jean Ireland, Robert Hamer, Roland Pertwee, Diana Morgan

Pink String and Sealing Wax is a movie starring Mervyn Johns, Mary Merrall, and Gordon Jackson. A drunken, abusive tavern-keeper's adulterous wife uses the backward son of a rigid, puritanical pharmacist who makes his entire family...

English (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)