Movie search results

Ray Lui, Ady An, Wenkang Yuan, Mengwei Xie, Dong Shen

Die xue gu cheng is a movie starring Ray Lui, Ady An, and Wenkang Yuan. Set in 1943, late in the WWII period in China. A brave KMT army division is stationed in Changde city, a strategic garrison in Northwest Hunan province. They...

Vietnamese (4 years ago)
Vietnamese (4 years ago)
Turkish (4 years ago)






Mengwei Xie, Jiro Wang, Lorene Ren, Ocean Hu

Chao Ji Da Ying Xiong is a TV series starring Lorene Ren, Ocean Hu, and Mengwei Xie. an Ming Dynasty imperial guards who are accidentally transported to the future adjust to life in the modern era? Hong Xi Dong (Jiro Wang) is the...

Arabic (4 years ago)
Arabic (4 years ago)
Spanish (4 years ago)