Movie search results
Aki Toyosaki, Shiori Mikami, Rumi Okubo, Minami Tsuda
YuruYuri is a TV series starring Shiori Mikami, Rumi Okubo, and Minami Tsuda. A Comedy Series that revolves around the daily lives of the Amusement Club, consisting of Akari Akaza, her childhood friends, Kyoko Toshino and Yui...
Ai Kayano, Risa Taneda, Rumi Okubo, Minami Tsuda
Yuyushiki is a TV series starring Minami Tsuda, Risa Taneda, and Rumi Okubo. The adventures of the Data Processing Club - Yuzuko, Yui and Yukari - as they live out their lives with fun and adventure.
Aki Toyosaki, Shiori Mikami, Rumi Okubo, Minami Tsuda
YuruYuri is a TV series starring Shiori Mikami, Rumi Okubo, and Minami Tsuda. A Comedy Series that revolves around the daily lives of the Amusement Club, consisting of Akari Akaza, her childhood friends, Kyoko Toshino and Yui...