Movie search results

Linda Hamilton, Stephen King, Peter Horton, R.G. Armstrong, John Franklin, Fritz Kiersch, George Goldsmith

Children of the Corn is a movie starring Peter Horton, Linda Hamilton, and R.G. Armstrong. A young couple is trapped in a remote town where a dangerous religious cult of children believes that everyone over age 18 must be killed.

English (4 years ago)






C. Thomas Howell, Peter Horton, Courtney Thorne-Smith, Harley Jane Kozak, Peter Israelson, David Thoreau

Side Out is a movie starring C. Thomas Howell, Peter Horton, and Courtney Thorne-Smith. A law student comes to California for the summer and ends up playing professional volleyball.

English (4 years ago)






Brad Renfro, Peter Horton, Joseph Mazzello, Aeryk Egan, Delphine French, Robert Kuhn

The Cure is a movie starring Joseph Mazzello, Brad Renfro, and Aeryk Egan. Erik, a loner, finds a friend in Dexter, an eleven-year-old boy with AIDS. They vow to find a cure for AIDS together and save Dexter's life in an eventful...

Vietnamese (4 years ago)
Vietnamese (4 years ago)
Indonesian (4 years ago)

Nathaniel Parker, Richard Jenkins, Robert J. Avrech, Peter Horton, Christopher McDonald, Robert Markowitz

Into Thin Air: Death on Everest is a TV movie starring Peter Horton, Nathaniel Parker, and Richard Jenkins. An adaptation of Jon Krakauer's best selling book, "Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster". It...

Indonesian (4 years ago)

Carl Gottlieb, Michelle Pfeiffer, Rosanna Arquette, Michael Barrie, Jim Mulholland, Joe Dante, Peter Horton, John Landis, Robert K. Weiss, Arsenio Hall, Donald F. Muhich

Amazon Women on the Moon is a movie starring Rosanna Arquette, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Arsenio Hall. A spoof 1950s science fiction movie, interspersed with various comedy sketches concerning late night television.

Danish (4 years ago)

Linda Hamilton, Stephen King, Peter Horton, R.G. Armstrong, John Franklin, Fritz Kiersch, George Goldsmith

Children of the Corn is a movie starring Peter Horton, Linda Hamilton, and R.G. Armstrong. A young couple is trapped in a remote town where a dangerous religious cult of children believes that everyone over age 18 must be killed.

Vietnamese (4 years ago)
Turkish (4 years ago)
Swedish (4 years ago)