Movie search results







Roberto Herlitzka, Rodolfo Corsato, Elia Schilton, Romuald Andrzej Klos, Claudio Bondì, Claudius Rutilius Namatianus, Alessandro Ricci

De Reditu (Il ritorno) is a movie starring Elia Schilton, Rodolfo Corsato, and Romuald Andrzej Klos. De Reditu takes place in 415 AD- five years after the devestating sack of Rome by the Visigoths- and tells the true story of...

Japanese (4 years ago)

Michela Cescon, Alessio Boni, Sandro Petraglia, Stefano Rulli, Marco Tullio Giordana, Rodolfo Corsato, Matteo Gadola, Maria Pace Ottieri

Quando sei nato non puoi più nasconderti is a movie starring Alessio Boni, Michela Cescon, and Rodolfo Corsato. A coming-of-age drama set in contemporary Italy.

Italian (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)
English (4 years ago)

Björn Kjellman, Rodolfo Corsato, Johan Brisinger, Anton Forsdik, Christine Meltzer, Martina Haag, Mikael Södersten

Jag älskar dig - En skilsmässokomedi is a movie starring Anton Forsdik, Björn Kjellman, and Christine Meltzer. When the wife wants a divorce, the neurotic husband struggles to come to terms with what happened and how to get his old...

Swedish (4 years ago)
Polish (4 years ago)
Norwegian (4 years ago)