Movie search results







Yûya Tegoshi, Mitsuru Fukikoshi, Mikako Tabe, Ikki Sawamura

Deka wanko is a TV series starring Mikako Tabe, Ikki Sawamura, and Yûya Tegoshi. The comedic series revolves around a rookie detective named Ichiko Hanamori, whose exceptional dog-like sense of smell is used to solve difficult...

English (5 years ago)
English (5 years ago)

Haruka Ayase, Yûya Tegoshi, Naohito Fujiki, Mateo Pio Albanese, Hiroshi Yoshino, Satoru Hiura

Hotaru no hikari is a movie starring Haruka Ayase, Naohito Fujiki, and Yûya Tegoshi. When Hotaru and Seiichi decide to combine their wedding with his business trip to Rome it sounds like a romantic and fun time for both, but things...

Vietnamese (5 years ago)
Indonesian (5 years ago)
Indonesian (5 years ago)

Ken'ichi Matsuyama, Anton Yelchin, Yûya Tegoshi, Maki Horikita, Hans Canosa, Gabrielle Zevin

Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac is a movie starring Maki Horikita, Ken'ichi Matsuyama, and Yûya Tegoshi. Diving to save a camera from a fall down a flight of stairs, high school junior Naomi Sukuse wakes with no memory of the last...

Indonesian (5 years ago)
Indonesian (5 years ago)
Indonesian (5 years ago)






Yûya Tegoshi, Tomoya Nagase, Yû Kashii, Yui Aragaki

My Boss, My Hero is a TV mini-series starring Tomoya Nagase, Yui Aragaki, and Yûya Tegoshi. The series is mainly about a 27 year old man named Makio Sakaki. His purpose is to become a successor after his father. However, he must...

Tamil (3 years ago)
Malay (5 years ago)
Malay (5 years ago)

Tatsuomi Hamada, Kazuya Kamenashi, Aya Ohmasa, Yûya Tegoshi

Yamato nadeshiko shichihenge is a TV series starring Tatsuomi Hamada, Kazuya Kamenashi, and Aya Ohmasa. Four guys try to turn a wallflower girl into a popular girl.

Japanese (5 years ago)
Indonesian (5 years ago)
Indonesian (5 years ago)