Avengers: Age of Ultron Vietnamese Subtitles
Avengers: Age of Ultron is a movie starring Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, and Mark Ruffalo. When Tony Stark and Bruce Banner try to jump-start a dormant peacekeeping program called Ultron, things go horribly wrong and it's up to...
Download (175.8KB) Avengers Age of Ultron (Vietsub)-1080p.ass
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[Script Info]
; Script generated by Aegisub 3.2.2
; http://www.aegisub.org/
Title: Default Aegisub file
ScriptType: v4.00+
WrapStyle: 0
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YCbCr Matrix: TV.601
PlayResX: 1920
PlayResY: 804
[Aegisub Project Garbage]
Audio File: Avengers Age of Ultron (Vietsub)-1080p.mkv
Video File: Avengers Age of Ultron (Vietsub)-1080p.mkv
Video AR Mode: 4
Video AR Value: 2.388060
Video Zoom Percent: 0.500000
; Script generated by Aegisub 3.2.2
; http://www.aegisub.org/
Title: Default Aegisub file
ScriptType: v4.00+
WrapStyle: 0
ScaledBorderAndShadow: yes
YCbCr Matrix: TV.601
PlayResX: 1920
PlayResY: 804
[Aegisub Project Garbage]
Audio File: Avengers Age of Ultron (Vietsub)-1080p.mkv
Video File: Avengers Age of Ultron (Vietsub)-1080p.mkv
Video AR Mode: 4
Video AR Value: 2.388060
Video Zoom Percent: 0.500000
Subtitles infomation
Framerate | ... |
Language | Vietnamese |
Created By | tony_dylan191 |
Author Note | Chỉnh sửa lại bản sub của first_alo, tham khảo rất nhiều từ bản sub của Phimmoi.net, không dịch những thuật ngữ, danh từ riêng của Marvel, thích hợp cho fan Marvel hoặc đang tìm hiểu về Marvel |
Created | 05/20/2016 02:04:00 PM |
Updated | 5 years ago |
Raw Subtitles
[Script Info]<br>; Script generated by Aegisub 3.2.2<br>; http://www.aegisub.org/<br>Title: Default Aegisub file<br>ScriptType: v4.00+<br>WrapStyle: 0<br>ScaledBorderAndShadow: yes<br>YCbCr Matrix: TV.601<br>PlayResX: 1920<br>PlayResY: 804<br><br>[Aegisub Project Garbage]<br>Audio File: Avengers Age of Ultron (Vietsub)-1080p.mkv<br>Video File: Avengers Age of Ultron (Vietsub)-1080p.mkv<br>Video AR Mode: 4<br>Video AR Value: 2.388060<br>Video Zoom Percent: 0.500000<br>