ChäoS;Child English Subtitles

Kaosu heddo is a TV series starring Todd Haberkorn, Brittney Karbowski, and Eri Kitamura. A high school student who stumbles on a murder scene spirals into paranoid delusions as he becomes convinced the police are after him.
Download (108.8KB) [HorribleSubs] ChaoS;Child - 01 [720p]_track3_eng.[].ass
Download (50.7KB) [HorribleSubs] ChaoS;Child - 02 [720p]_track3_eng.[].ass
Download (41.8KB) [HorribleSubs] ChaoS;Child - 03 [720p]_track3_eng.[].ass
Download (35.8KB) [HorribleSubs] ChaoS;Child - 04 [720p]_track3_eng.[].ass
Download (37.1KB) [HorribleSubs] ChaoS;Child - 05 [720p]_track3_eng.[].ass
Download (41.6KB) [HorribleSubs] ChaoS;Child - 06 [720p]_track3_eng.[].ass
Download (45.5KB) [HorribleSubs] ChaoS;Child - 07 [720p]_track3_eng.[].ass
Download (39KB) [HorribleSubs] ChaoS;Child - 08 [720p]_track3_eng.[].ass
Download (33.1KB) [HorribleSubs] ChaoS;Child - 09 [720p]_track3_eng.[].ass
Download (39.2KB) [HorribleSubs] ChaoS;Child - 10 [720p]_track3_eng.[].ass
Download (32.6KB) [HorribleSubs] ChaoS;Child - 11 [720p]_track3_eng.[].ass
Download (38KB) [HorribleSubs] ChaoS;Child - 12 [720p]_track3_eng.[].ass

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[Script Info]
Title: HorribleSubs
ScriptType: v4.00+
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[V4+ Styles]
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Subtitles infomation

Created Byleen chan
Author Note
Created03/29/2017 05:30:00 PM
Updated4 years ago

Raw Subtitles

[Script Info]<br>Title: HorribleSubs<br>ScriptType: v4.00+<br>WrapStyle: 0<br>PlayResX: 848<br>PlayResY: 480<br>ScaledBorderAndShadow: yes<br><br>[V4+ Styles]<br>Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding<br>

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