Movie search results

Michael Peña, Liev Schreiber, Emily Blunt, Kristin Chenoweth, Lauren Faust, Bonnie Zacherle, Jayson Thiessen, Meghan McCarthy, Rita Hsiao, Joe Ballarini, Michael Vogel

My Little Pony: The Movie is a movie starring Emily Blunt, Kristin Chenoweth, and Liev Schreiber. After a dark force conquers Canterlot, the Mane 6 embark on an unforgettable journey beyond Equestria where they meet new friends and...

Indonesian (4 years ago)
Indonesian (4 years ago)
English (5 years ago)

Tara Strong, Ashleigh Ball, Andrea Libman, Lauren Faust, Cathy Weseluck, Michael Vogel, Denny Lu, Mike Myhre, Jim Miller

My Little Pony: Best Gift Ever is a TV short starring Tara Strong, Andrea Libman, and Ashleigh Ball. In this one-hour Christmas-themed special, the Mane Six and Spike are each hoping to find the best gift ever for Hearth's Warming.

Indonesian (5 years ago)
Indonesian (5 years ago)