Movie search results

Peter Sallis, David Jason, Michael Hordern, Richard Pearson

The Wind in the Willows is a TV series starring Richard Pearson, Peter Sallis, and Michael Hordern. Based on the characters created by Kenneth Grahame, this award winning animated series follows the adventures of Mole (Richard...

Greek (5 years ago)
Greek (5 years ago)

Peter Sallis, David Jason, Michael Hordern, Richard Pearson

The Wind in the Willows is a TV series starring Richard Pearson, Peter Sallis, and Michael Hordern. Based on the characters created by Kenneth Grahame, this award winning animated series follows the adventures of Mole (Richard...

English (5 years ago)
English (5 years ago)
English (5 years ago)

David Jason, Kenneth Grahame, Michael Hordern, Ian Carmichael, Richard Pearson, Mark Hall, Rosemary Anne Sisson

The Wind in the Willows is a TV movie starring Richard Pearson, Ian Carmichael, and David Jason. Toad (David Jason), Rat (Ian Carmichael), Mole (Richard Pearson), and Badger (Sir Michael Hordern) follow animal etiquette in this...

English (5 years ago)