Super Polish Subtitles
Super is a movie starring Rainn Wilson, Ellen Page, and Liv Tyler. After his wife falls under the influence of a drug dealer, an everyday guy transforms himself into Crimson Bolt, a superhero with the best intentions, but lacking in...
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Subtitles preview
{1}{72}movie info: XVID 720x384 23.976fps 1.4 GB
{125}{280}>> torrent.x777.info <<|>> When Dreams Come True <<
{290}{450}>> www.napisy.jcom.pl <<|>> przejdŸ na stronê ciemnoœci <<
{511}{590}{y:i}W ca³ym moim ¿yciu,|{y:i}przydarzy³y mi siê dwa idealne momenty.
{590}{653}{y:i}Pierwszy to ma³¿eñstwo z Sar¹.
{772}{844}{y:i}Drugi, gdy by³em w centrum.
{125}{280}>> torrent.x777.info <<|>> When Dreams Come True <<
{290}{450}>> www.napisy.jcom.pl <<|>> przejdŸ na stronê ciemnoœci <<
{511}{590}{y:i}W ca³ym moim ¿yciu,|{y:i}przydarzy³y mi siê dwa idealne momenty.
{590}{653}{y:i}Pierwszy to ma³¿eñstwo z Sar¹.
{772}{844}{y:i}Drugi, gdy by³em w centrum.
Subtitles infomation
Framerate | 23.976 |
Language | Polish |
Created By | hegemon |
Author Note | Super [2010]-480p-BRrip-x264-StyLishSaLH-[ POLiSH ]-[ www.torrent.x777.info ] |
Created | 08/14/2011 03:34:00 AM |
Updated | 5 years ago |
Raw Subtitles
{1}{72}movie info: XVID 720x384 23.976fps 1.4 GB<br>{125}{280}>> torrent.x777.info <<|>> When Dreams Come True << <br>{290}{450}>> www.napisy.jcom.pl <<|>> przejdŸ na stronê ciemnoœci << <br>{511}{590}{y:i}W ca³ym moim ¿yciu,|{y:i}przydarzy³y mi siê dwa idealne momenty.<br>{590}{653}{y:i}Pierwszy to ma³¿eñstwo z Sar¹.<br>{772}{844}{y:i}Drugi, gdy by³em w centrum.<br>
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